Monday, March 30, 2009

The Resus Room - Arterial/Venous Bleeds

Today there was an exciting resus. Sometimes it is hard to manage when patients are going crazy. Self-inflicted wounds in a crazy patient. Not always the easiest situation to manage.

Now, when you can see the contents of the cubital fossa, which have nicely been opened to you by the patient, have they injured a vein? or an artery?

Well when you see blood spurting, it tends to be more arterial. Now judging by the colour of the blood, you can have a guess whether it is arterial or venous. Venous being darker. And also today, I learned that by applying your knowledge of anatomy, and probing the wound to assess the depth, you can get an idea. Arteries tend to run deeper.

Now if you are wondering why I have used the word "tend" a lot in the previous paragraph, is because these arent hard and fast rules. I have seen arteries that dont pulse, with blood that looks dark. So sometimes it can be a bit hard to tell.

Ah well, the resus room can be an exciting place! And remember, the wonders of IV midazolam and ketamine.

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